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At Trimley St Mary School, we endeavour to inspire a new generation of learners to become confident scientists with a strong understanding of the world around them.  Our knowledge and skills based science curriculum has a focus on embedding core vocabulary and encouraging all children to think scientifically, whilst fostering a love of learning and curiosity for the subject.  We strive to provide exciting, practical experiences which will encourage curiosity and questioning.

The aim of our science curriculum is to instil in all children the desire to contribute to the ever-expanding body of knowledge and to develop the skills to work scientifically in real-world situations.

As scientists we will:

  • think independently and raise questions to work scientifically.
  • apply a range of practical skills when planning and carrying out scientific investigations.
  • develop scientific knowledge and understanding.
  • demonstrate our understanding and knowledge in a variety of creative ways.
  • solve challenging problems and report scientific.
  • undertake practical work in a variety of contexts, including fieldwork.
  • manage risks in order to work safely.
  • develop a passion for science and its application in past, present and future.