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Special Educational Needs

It is the aim of our school, wherever possible, to meet the full range of special educational needs within its usual, mixed ability classrooms.  The curriculum is planned, taught and assessed to take into account the wide range of abilities, aptitudes and interests that children bring to school.  The school ensures that all children have access to the full curriculum, differentiated appropriately.
The school recognises the importance of early identification, assessment and provision for any child who may have special needs and will respond appropriately.  Parents who are concerned about their child's progress are encouraged to discuss the matter with their class teacher as the first point of contact.  As a result of these discussions, it may become evident that specific help is necessary.
If a class teacher or parent continues to be concerned about a child's progress in a particular area, the special needs co-ordinator may be asked to help plan a programme of support.  This plan will be reviewed regularly until the need for support has ended.
The school policy document of Special Educations Needs can be found under 'Our School / Policies'
Our SENCO is Mrs S Smith who can be contacted via the main office on 01394 284130 or office@trimley.net